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Compassion’s EggTrack monitors the progress of the world's largest food companies in meeting their voluntary cage-free egg commitments, across different regions (Europe, Asia-Pacific, USA & Canada).

By tracking and measuring progress, EggTrack aims to accelerate the transition to cage-free eggs, spotlighting leaders, motivating laggards, and reinforcing the need for continuous improvement and transparency as companies work towards their goal of being 100% cage-free.

The tool is designed for food companies, industry stakeholders, investors, conscious consumers, as well as those responsible for the day-to-day decision-making and implementation processes needed to achieve cage-free production.

By promoting market transparency, EggTrack encourages companies to report their year-on-year progress in transitioning to cage-free eggs. This is vital, as the real impact for laying hens is only realised when companies fulfil their pledges.

A global movement towards cage-free eggs

A significant global movement is underway toward cage-free egg production. Companies worldwide are making cage-free commitments across their supply chains; these commitments can be made across one or several egg categories (shell eggs, egg products, egg ingredients), at a national, regional or global level.

To date, there have been over 2,500 cage-free commitments globally (source: chickenwatch). Since 2007, Compassion in World Farming has recognised these commitments by awarding 791 Good Egg Awards to companies for their cage-free policies or commitments. These commitments are set to benefit over 112 million laying hens each year.

Companies are making tangible progress towards these commitments, as highlighted by the 2023 Global EggTrack Report. The report shows that out of 715 commitments from 444 companies, 71% (or 511 commitments) have reported measurable progress. Notably, there has been a significant shift, with a 75% transition to cage-free systems overall.

The report also highlights the geographical distribution of these commitments: 79 companies operate globally, 134 in the USA, 274 in Europe (including the UK), and 23 in the Asia-Pacific region (APAC).

Europe has made the most progress toward cage-free sourcing, followed by the USA (see chart below). The global transition to cage-free systems increased by 6.9 percentage points from 2022 to 2023, demonstrating a positive trend in improving animal welfare standards across the egg industry.

Percentage of commitments being reported on

Region Number of commitments % of commitments reporting
Global 88 56
Europe 440 75
USA 147 74
APAC 40 60

EggTrack 2024 - Europe, Asia Pacific and USA

In 2024, EggTrack shines a light on how companies in three different regions are progressing towards achieving their commitments - many of which are due to be completed by 2025.

Find out more about how food businesses operating in Europe, Asia Pacific and the USA are faring with implementing the pledges they have made. 

Overview of Egg Categories

This section outlines descriptions of the various egg categories (e.g. shell eggs, egg ingredient) companies have pledged to source cage-free. It also explains regional variations in egg category definitions and the specific classifications for shell eggs in the Retailer & Meal Kits brand category.

Egg Categories

Egg Categories

Egg category denotes the type of egg that a company has committed to sourcing from cage-free systems.

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Egg category denotes the type of egg that a company has committed to sourcing from cage-free :

  • Shell Eggs: include whole, raw eggs with the shell unbroken.

  • Egg Products: include processed and convenient forms of eggs, including liquid, frozen, dried and pre-cooked products.
    - Liquid: includes broken eggs where the yolk and white could be separated or blended (other ingredients may also be added to the liquid).
    - Processed: includes egg products where egg is either the only or primary product, such as (but not limited to) dried egg mix, egg white solids, egg yolk solids, whole egg solids, scrambled egg mix, pre-cooked egg patties and hard-boiled / sliced eggs.
  • Egg Ingredient: includes products containing eggs as an ingredient that may be purchased by a company from a third party, such as baked goods, prepared foods (e.g., muffins, cakes, pasta etc.)
  • Combined: Where companies report a combined percentage for multiple, specified egg categories, we categorise that reporting as combined. Additionally, if companies don’t specify egg type in their commitment, they will also be categorised as ‘Combined’.


In addition to these four categories, certain companies have been categorised as having ‘No Commitment’. This is recorded when a company with global operations has committed only at regional level, and similarly if a company has regional operations but has only committed at national level. We report this to encourage companies to make these large-scale commitments through the whole of their supply.

Region & Sector Differences

Region & Sector Differences

In different regions, egg category definitions mean slightly different things.

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In different regions, the above egg category definitions can mean slightly different things. For example, European “Egg Product” commitments made by Retailers and Manufacturers are understood to include all egg ingredients. This ranges from those purchased by the company for use in their own products/meals, or for sale to the end customer as egg products (i.e., scrambled egg mix, dried egg whites, sugared egg yolks, etc.), to those used in the manufacturing of products purchased from third parties for use in the company’s own operations (i.e., mayonnaise, muffins, cakes, pasta, etc.).

At a global level and in other regions (US, APAC) to include only those egg ingredients that are purchased by the company for use in their own products/meals, or for sale to the end customer as egg products (i.e., scrambled egg mix, dried egg whites, sugared egg yolks, etc.), unless otherwise specified. This understanding also applies to European “Egg Product” commitments made by Restaurants and Food Service & Hospitality companies.

Brand Category Definitions

Brand Category Definitions

The following definitions apply to Shell Eggs in the Retailers & Meal Kits Category only.

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The following definitions apply to Shell Eggs in the Retailers & Meal Kits Category only:

  • Branded: Everything that is sold under an industry name.
  • Own-Brand: Brands directly owned by the retailers including tertiary and no name brands.
  • Overall: Both own-brand and branded shell eggs

EggTrack 2023

Our 2023 Global EggTrack report showed an average 75% transition to cage free across 715 commitments worldwide. Among the companies featured in EggTrack 2023, 79 operate globally, 274 in Europe (including the UK), 134 in the USA and 23 in the Asia-Pacific region. These companies span various sectors, with 51 manufacturers, 195 retailers & meal kit providers, 111 restaurants, 13 producers and 74 food service and hospitality companies. Many of them have pledged to source 100% cage-free eggs from their supply chain by 2025 or 2026.